Hi, I am Amit Kumar. I'm a B-Tech student at NIT Agartala Electronic and Communication Engineering department.
I am a self taught Web developer and love developing machine learning model too. I like competititve coding, participating in online programming contest. Besides I love to play with micro-controller boards like Arduino, NodeMCU e.t.c.
Smart RFID lock using Arduino and NodeMCU operated using RFID tags or remotely with Smart Phone
Exploring House price Prediction by Exploratory Data Analysis, Regression Techniques, seaborn, Matplotlib e.t.c.
A Django based Web Application integrated with PostgreSQL in backend, currently under development, aiming to upliftment of TRIBAL people by selling their crafts
I am skilled in programming language like C/C++, Python3. I have also basic knowledge of MATLAB
I love developing Machine Learning models to solve real life problems. I mostly use Python3 libraries like Scikit-learn, numpy,pandas for ML model and Matplotlib for Data visualisation
I have Knowledge of Object Oriented programming and Various Data Structures and Algorithms, which is really necessary for competitive coding and problem soving skills
Being a Bachelors students of ECE Engineering department. I am skilled in Network Analysis, Signal and System, Analog Electronic and Digital Electronic
I have knowledge of Model Smulation using MATLAB, Simulink AND HFSS. I have worked with Micro-Controllers like Arduino, NodeMCU e.t.c
Organised orientation programme of Robotic Club, SOAR 8.0, Conducted workshop in campus in collaboration with TechKriti, IIT Kanpur and many more.
I was a part of organizing team Techfest of NIT Agartala, AAYAM 7.0